Pubblicazioni scientifiche
I docenti afferenti al Dipartimento svolgono una intensa attività di pubblicazione scientifica, sia su riviste internazionali che su volumi che raccolgono atti di congressi. Sono inoltre membri di Editorial Board di riviste internazionali, Editor di Special Issue e revisori scientifici di riviste ad alto impatto bibliografico. Segue una lista delle pubblicazioni dei membri del Dipartimento.
Accorsi Riccardo, A lezione dal sensei Yoshihito Wakamatsu, «LOGISTICA», 2012, 2, pp. 34 - 36 [Articolo in rivista]
Groothuis, S.S; Rusticelli, G.; Zucchelli, A.; Stramigioli, S.; Carloni, R., The vsaUT-II: A novel rotational variable stiffness actuator, in: Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2012, pp. 3355 - 3360 (atti di: IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION, Saint Paul, MN, 14-18 May 2012) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
Cimarelli, Andrea; DE ANGELIS, Elisabetta; Casciola, C. M., Scale-Energy Fluxes in Wall-Turbulent Flows, in: Progress in Turbulence and Wind Energy IV, «SPRINGER PROCEEDINGS IN PHYSICS», 2012, 141, pp. 3 - 6 (atti di: iTi 2010 - Conference on Turbulence, ita, 19-22 September 2010) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
Radović, N.; Morri, A.; Fragassa, C., A study on the tensile behaviour of spheroidal and compacted graphite cast irons based on microstructural analysis, in: Proceeding of the 29th Danubia Adria Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics, Belgrade, University of Belgrade, 2012, pp. 185 - 190 (atti di: 29th Danubia Adria Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics, Belgrade, Serbia, Sep. 26-29, 2012) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
Sumini, Marco; Castellani, Gastone; Mostacci, Domiziano; Tartari, Agostino; Ceccolini, Elisa; Rocchi, Federico; Ciocca, Mario; Fiore, Maria Rosaria; Nano, Rosanna; Pasi, Francesca; Zironi, Isabella; Virelli, Angela; Belligotti, Eleonora; Facoetti, Angelica; Orecchia, Roberto, Early Effects of X-Rays Delivered at High and Low Dose-rate Pulses on Human Tumor Cells, in: ISIORT 7th International Conference, 2012(atti di: ISIORT 7th International Conference, Baveno, Italy, 22 - 24 giugno 2012) [Poster]
Manzini, Riccardo, Foreword, in: Warehousing in the Global Supply Chain, London, Springer, 2012, pp. VII - IX [Capitolo/Saggio in libro]
Kostic, S. C.; Nonkic, Z.; Pavlovic, A.; Minak, G., Low velocity impact on a complex composite structure, in: 29th DANUBlA-ADRIA Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, DAS 2012, University of Belgrade, 2012, pp. 270 - 273 (atti di: 29th Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, DAS 2012, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Building, srb, 2012) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
Ihaddadene N.; Erani P.; Cotifava M.; Tomei F.; Baleani M.; Viceconti M.; Bouzid S.; Cristofolini L., Fatigue-fractured surfaces of commercial bone cements, «COMPUTER METHODS IN BIOMECHANICS AND BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING», 2012, 10, pp. 157 - 158 [Articolo in rivista]
Ducceschi, M. ; Touzé, C. ; Bilbao, S., Nonlinear plate vibrations: A modal approach with application to cymbals and gongs, in: Proceedings of the Joint Meeting of the Societe Française d'Acoustique and the Institute of Acoustics, 2012, pp. 1 - 8 (atti di: Joint Meeting of the Societe Française d'Acoustique and the Institute of Acoustics, Nantes, France, Apr 2012) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
Petrucci R.; Nisini E.; Ghelli D.; Santulli C.; Puglia D.; Sarasini F.; Minak G.; Kenny J.M., Mechanical and impact characterisation of hybrid composite laminates based on flax, hemp, basalt and glass fibers produced by vacuum infusion, in: ECCM 2012 - Composites at Venice, Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Composite Materials, European Conference on Composite Materials, ECCM, 2012, pp. 1 - 8 (atti di: 15th European Conference on Composite Materials: Composites at Venice, ECCM 2012, Venice, ita, 2012) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
Cierpka C.; Rossi M.; Segura R.; Mastrangelo F.; Kahler C.J., A comparative analysis of the uncertainty of astigmatism-μPTV, stereo-μPIV, and μpIV, «EXPERIMENTS IN FLUIDS», 2012, 52, pp. 605 - 615 [Articolo in rivista]
Rossi M.; Segura R.; Cierpka C.; Kahler C.J., On the effect of particle image intensity and image preprocessing on the depth of correlation in micro-PIV, «EXPERIMENTS IN FLUIDS», 2012, 52, pp. 1063 - 1075 [Articolo in rivista]
Pennella F.; Rossi M.; Ripandelli S.; Rasponi M.; Mastrangelo F.; Deriu M.A.; Ridolfi L.; Kahler C.J.; Morbiducci U., Numerical and experimental characterization of a novel modular passive micromixer, «BIOMEDICAL MICRODEVICES», 2012, 14, pp. 849 - 862 [Articolo in rivista]
Cervone A.; Fadel N.; Formaggia L., Simulations of large scale three-dimensional sedimentary basin dynamics through domain decomposition techniques, in: Proceedings of ECCOMAS 2012 European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, 2012, pp. 2651 - 2663 (atti di: ECCOMAS 2012 European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Vienna, September 10-14, 2012) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
Clairbois J.; De Roo F.; Garai M.; Conter M.; Defrance J.; Oltean-Dumbrava C.; Fusco I., QUIESST: Third-term progress report, in: Proceedings of Inter-Noise 2012, New York, INCE-USA, «NOISE-CON PROCEEDINGS», 2012, 10, pp. 8089 - 8098 (atti di: Inter-Noise 2012, New York City, USA, 19-22 August 2012) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
Germani M; Mengoni M; PERUZZINI, MARGHERITA, An approach to assessing virtual environments for synchronous and remote collaborative design, «ADVANCED ENGINEERING INFORMATICS», 2012, 26, pp. 793 - 813 [Articolo in rivista]
Germani M; Mengoni M; PERUZZINI, MARGHERITA, A QFD-based method to support SMEs in benchmarking co-design tools, «COMPUTERS IN INDUSTRY», 2012, 63, pp. 12 - 29 [Articolo in rivista]
PERUZZINI, MARGHERITA; Mengoni M; Germani M., Virtual Tactile Simulation: a novel display and effects on users’ perception, in: Proceedings of ASME/ISCIE 2012 International Symposium on Flexible Automation (ISFA), 2012, 1, pp. 671 - 678 (atti di: ASME/ISCIE 2012 International Symposium on Flexible Automation ISFA 2012, St. Louis, Missouri, USA, 18-20 July) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
Germani M.; Mengoni M.; Morichetti P.; PERUZZINI, MARGHERITA, A method for roughness and texture simulation via tactile display, in: Proc. of the 7th International ASME/IEEE Conference on Mechatronics & Embedded Systems & Applications, THREE PARK AVENUE, NEW YORK, NY 10016-5990 USA, AMER SOC MECHANICAL ENGINEERS, 2012, 3, pp. 535 - 544 (atti di: ASME 2011 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, IDETC/CIE 2011, Washington, DC, USA, 28-31 August) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
PERUZZINI, MARGHERITA; Germani M; Mengoni M., Electro-tactile device for texture simulation, in: Proceedings of IEEE/ASME International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications (MESA 2012), 2012, pp. 178 - 183 (atti di: 2012 8th IEEE/ASME International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications, MESA 2012, Suzhou, China, 8-10 July) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]